Saturday, January 14

unHOLY Fridays: UNinspired

So, as I sat down to write, I really felt like I had nothing to give.  With nothing in mind, my heart sank a little as I was feeling pretty uninspired.  The reason, I think, my heart sank as it did is that as of late, I have felt like I have had loads to write about, think about, and therefore, blog about.  But today...nothing.

Maybe it was the incredible lack of sleep last night.  Maybe the blah-wet-snow that I can see sitting on top of my neighbour's roof.  Or maybe it was the realization that it is in fact Saturday and not Friday - like I had originally thought.  Whatever the case, uninspired as I was, it got me thinking.

It got me thinking about who and what inspires me.  I think that God drops inspiration on us in various ways at various times. It's neat to see it when it happens - perhaps throw a mundane object that you cross paths with.  Or something that seems like a roadblock that actually becomes a stepping stone.  But I know, quite often, for me it is people.

I love it when I see God doing extraordinary things through ordinary people.  Ordinary people - or even more so - the underdog is often used by God in amazing ways and I find that inspiring.  When I see God use an ordinary person for His purposes, it excited me.  I think, "Hey, I'm just that ordinary!  Maybe God will use me next to do His extraordinary."

And when God uses the underdog, well, that just makes my heart swell.  I am inspired by these people beyond belief.  If you've never seen the movie Simon Birch, I would strongly suggest finding and watching it.  It stars a young guy named Ian Michael Smith. His big personality makes up for his small stature.  At 3'1", his character is an amazing example of God using the little guy.

I won't give away the movie, but I will say this: God uses the underdog in this movie for His purpose in an amazing way.  Simon always believed that God had an incredible plan for his life and for his size.  Sure enough, Simon's faith leads him into the place God intended for him.

I don't cry in movies.  In fact, I'm not sure I've ever cried in another movie.  But the three times I have watched Simon Birch I have balled my eyes out.  Inspired.

It's not grand acts of people who were given the advantage in life that inspire me.  It's not when someone has something handed to them.  It's the little guy.  The fringe people.  It's the ordinary.  That's what inspires me.  I'd love to know what inspires you?


Steve Authier at Heise Hill said...

I love the underdog. Simon Birch is a truly inspirational movie. I almost cried remembering it from the pic in you blog. Thanks for the reminder

Quilting with Jannette said...

Mothers inspire me - most mothers I can think of would shrug off the notion that they can be an inspiration to/for anyone, but I can think of a few that qualify.
My own mother is dying - how quickly isn't known yet... She gave of herself to the 6 of us kids, plus 30 or so foster kids over 25+ years. As well, she never sits without picking up the latest afghan that she's crocheting for orphans she'll never see - and she shrugs off the notion that she's special in any way. She's blessed me in so many ways - and I thank God for how He's used her to bless so many others.