Sunday, April 24

the explanation of an 11 year old

Sitting in on Jr High this morning, we asked the question, "Why did Jesus die on the cross?"  The classic and triggered response came from a handful of students, "...for our sins."  And then we asked, WHY?  Why did Jesus have to die for our sins?

A couple of hands went up.  To be honest, I didn't expect that the student who was called on to give the first answer would give a very good one.  But then, he started to speak.

This 11 year old boy spoke about the sacrificial system of the Old Testament.  He explained what the purpose of a sacrificial lamb was and how Christ became that for us, once and for all. 

My jaw dropped as this grade 6 kid showed the wisdom of an adult in his understanding of the role Christ played in redeeming us.  What an incredible Easter gift.

He is risen.  He is risen indeed.

1 comment:

the smiths said...

Awesome! Must have learned that in kidmax. ;) Happy Easter!