Sunday, August 6

And He called me by name...

I've always felt kind of strange when I hear people say my name. I don't know why, exactly, but I get a tense feeling, or a joyous one, or sometimes just an awkward one. Regardless of what kind, each time I hear someone call my name I always feel something. Maybe this is selfish. Maybe.

The other day, as I was trying something new to me but old in the context of church history: a prayer labyrinth (a medieval prayer walk, at the NIDUS festival). When I stopped my laments, petitions, and praises/glories to God, I waited to listen for His response. (Something that I don't do enough.) When I listened intently, I heard God say my name. Just my name. He's called me His child many times before, but I can never remember hearing Him, feeling Him, say my name. I don't mean that I heard it, audibly, but I know I heard Him whisper it to my heart. "Natalie." As if He was saying, "Natalie, remember all of the promises that I made to you?" Or, "Natalie, be still and know that I am God." Or, "Natalie, stop worrying." Or simply, "Natalie, I love you."

With the sound of hearing my name, just my name, from God, I heard all of these things together and felt secure in knowing that God cared enough to tell me that He was listening. (Though He ALWAYS listens, it's just sometimes we don't wait to hear His reply or stop to give ourselves some time to hear what He may have to say to us...I know I am very guilty of that!)

How amazing it is that God will take the time to hear and know the desires (and laments) of all of His children. And, that He is more than willing, if we are willing to listen, to call us all by name.


Ermz said...


Ermz said...

I am often to in a hurry to listen too but when I feel at loss.

There is a place in every soul where God dwells.

I often go there in the quiet of the morning or in the evening when there are no noises: mentally, physically or emotionally to distract me from hearing the still, small Voice.

craig said...

God is a-maze-ing.