Tuesday, January 3

Top Ten Tuesday

The Top Ten List of TV Shows I Have Been Digging

1. 30 Rock - seriously, Tina Fey cracks me up.  Her brand of humor is spot on.
2. Community - this is a highly underrated show.  Troy and Abed are the best combo since Turk and J.D. of Scrubs.
3. Murder She Wrote - I realize it went off the air almost 20 years ago, but Netflix has brought it back for me in a wonderful way.  Seriously, J.B. Fletcher...you sly ol' girl.
4. Being Erica - I got into it on Netflix.  To be honest, I thought this was going to be a fairly lame Canadian show.  Glad to say that I was wrong.  Three seasons on Netflix later, I'm looking forward to season 4.
5.  Parks & Rec - Amy Poehler knocked it out of the park with this one.  Hil-ar-i-ous.
6. Leverage - again, thank-you Netflix. It's The A-Team for a modern audience. Witty, funny, very enjoyable.
7. Sherlock - it's a modern day Sherlock Holmes.  With only 3 episodes at present it has not had a minute of disappointment.  Fantastic plot.  Witty dialogue.
8. Dollhouse - another one of Joss Whedon's incredible creations that has not been responded to with the acclamation it deserves.  Morally, it raises some interesting questions.
9. Castle - Basically, it's Murder She Wrote with a Don Juan male lead.
10. How I Met Your Mother - just fun.

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