Before I even begin, I'm giving Paul Morris, the Site Leadership Pastor at The Meeting House, credit for the premise of this post. Paul recently spoke to a group of us on the idea of the difference between being a "Guardian" (or babysitter) and being a "Parent". The idea being that a guardian only has temporary ownership and no real long term commitment or authority over a child, and a parent, obviously, has long term investment in their sights, has authority, and has an unconditional love and desire to shape, nurture, and see their child develop.
The question that Paul posed was who are you spiritually parenting? I know that at this point in my journey, I can answer honestly that there are a couple of younger adults and late teens that I am giving time and energy to, and am able to invest in a way that I have never been to before. I am committed long term to watch these people develop and grow in life and in their walk with God. I'm not saying that to boast to or pat myself on the back because heaven knows I've got a long way to go still! But, I am committed to more.
The question that I want to pose is: where have all the parents gone? Spiritual parents, I mean. I know so many young adults and teens who are looking for (even starving for) that type of investment, and yet, they grope around to find it...nowhere. And, when there is finally a person to spiritual parent others and invest, I find they are people who are often over-sought because these people are so few and far between.
Paul - this time the Apostle, not the pastor I referred to earlier - says quite simply, but dramatically in 1 Corinthians 11:1 "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." It almost sounds arrogant, but I really don't think Paul was attempting to sound perfect or prideful; simply put, I think Paul was willing to be held up as an example, and scrutinized as such if need be. He was willing to be watched closely in his walk so that others could know how to live. He was willing to spiritually parent and invest (consider his relationship with Timothy), and actually walk his talk.
And so, where are we today? Who is willing to say, "follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ"? I want to say that, to be confident enough in my faith and walk that I can be an example, but humble enough to receive correction when I screw up - because that's a guarantee. But I'm also willing to take the younger, and those at a different place in their journey, under my wing and actually care. Invest. Have ownership - in a loving way. And want to see them flourish in their relationship with God and others. I desire to be a spiritual parent as I have been parented spiritually (and still am!).
But what of the people who have never experience spiritual parenting? How do they know how to do that for others? They need examples. They need models. They need spiritual parents. Where have all the Pauls gone? I think part of the issue is that many of us lack the confidence to say, "yes, I will lead by example" because we are not "there" yet...the reality is that we will never be "there" because there is always a next step to take.
So let's all take the next step. Seek out a spiritual parent (or a mentor - mostly same idea, different language). Become a spiritual parent and seek out those who need someone to say "follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." Especially if you've been invested into well, consider it "your turn" to step up.
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