Saturday, December 4

God's Highlighter

Sometimes it seems as though God wants to make things known to us in a very real way, and sometimes in our humanly-limited-natures it takes a few times being knocked over the head to realize it.

I love the idea that God brings different opportunities and people to cross our paths to act as His highlighter sometimes.

For example, lately I've been really feeling pushed by God to be using certain skill sets and spiritual gifts in a larger way.  But then my ol' insecurities start to tap me on the shoulder and I hesitate.  Well, then I was in a conversation with my mentor about some things that God has been pushing some of the leadership in our church in, and it was focused around the Parable of the Talents.  (It's cool how there is a bit of a double entendre in this context; as in English talents are both an ancient unit of monetary value and our skills/abilities.)

I love this parable and feel so challenged by it at the same time.  Looking at the parable, we can see how this Master left certain amounts of money with his workers, and in the same way, our Master has left us each with certain talents, abilities, and spiritual gifts.  My fear is being like the worker who was given one talent, and then decides to bury it so that he doesn't lose it.  I know that is not the way to operate, and yet, I find myself digging a hole every now and then to bury my talent.

But, man, do I want to be like the worker who was given 5 talents and go and multiply them.  I want the Master to be proud of the return I have received on the gifts He has given me.

Right, back to the conversation with my mentor - we chatted about this parable and how we need to be better stewards of the gifts God has given us.  I left feeling confident that this was another tap on the shoulder from God.

The next day, I found myself in another conversation where someone who has seen the gift in me that I know God is pushing to use more encouraged me to use it.  Good God moment and a great encouragement.  And yet, I get these negative thoughts and feelings later, and I seem to discourage myself.

The very next day, I met for coffee with a college student who I am acting as his "ministry mentor" for a course (which in and of itself is both awesome and bizarre!).  I really felt pushed to talk to him about this very same thing, and we chatted about this in his context.  It's cool how sometimes God brings us to a place of encouraging someone else in the very same things we need to be encouraged in.

And so, finally, that evening after the conversation with this guy, I went to a youth workers conference where the keynote speaker spoke on...(drum roll please...) Matt 25:14-30...which is, of course, the Parable of the Talents.  God's highlighter in action!

I think it is amazing how God can use so many people and orchestrate different situations in such an incredible way to make a point to His children.  It feels so humbling to realize that God was willing to use His highlighter on me.

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