Saturday, November 20

God is doing something.  It's amazing, and unexpected, and like nothing I've experienced before.  It's fresh and refreshing.

Take this week, for example:
Sunday - Lunch with an unexpected new friend.  A conversation that resulted in confessions of sin. Talk of authenticity. Serious and incredible. God was there.

Monday - An amazing time at a presentation by some visiting friends from 5 different African countries. Each person highlighted something that I've already known, but in a fresh light. Incredible. Following this time, another new friend and I had an intense and genuine conversation of honesty similar to that on Sunday.

Wednesday - A sweet time teaching at youth where kids are actually interested in what the Bible has to say.  Kids are hungry.  Teenagers are hungry. It's so cool.

Thursday - Homechurch. We talked about suffering and the problem with the problem of evil. Conversations that, again, ended up coming back to the idea of confessing sins to one another and praying for each other. A conversation about why and how so few Christians are real with one another. I sat in a conversation with someone as God revealed something to them that they have been trying to figure out for years. I watched God move and it was amazing. Again, the conversation turned towards truth. Confession. Integrity. Sincerity. Authenticity. Incredible!

I am confident that God is at work. I'm not sure where this is going or what's next, but I'm excited. God is so cool.

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